Correctomundo, Perez-Mother-Fucking-Hilton.
You know, the short fat thing who obviously doesn't own a mirror, because anyone who did wouldn't go out looking like this?!
Yeah, he needs some help, and maybe a stylist?
He's constantly hating on our girl, picking at the most pathetic things imaginable! So what if she didn't have a pedicure?! Perez, sweetie, Kristen could have the most hideous feet in history but she would still be a million times better looking than you. I find it disgusting that he feels it is acceptable behaviour to pry on a 19 year old who has done nothing to provoke him. He's also kind of putting the thought that you have to look perfect to fit in, and if you're not your just going to have hideous comments made about every little aspect of your appearance. I mean, who looks at a photo and thinks "I know, lets zoom in and see if she's had a pedicure"?! Disturbing..
Now, we know Perez is an attention whore, that means he loves this. The fact we are even giving him the time of day, he loves. All the hateful tweets he gets, he thrives off them. Anything that provokes a reaction he'll blog about it for the attention. He knows us Kristen fans are extremely devoted, he know's we will stick up for her so he carries on! In a perfect world we would stop letting him know what a douche bag he is, we would stop giving the website hits, and we would stop giving him the attention he loves, but I doubt that's going to happen!
Perez, no matter what Kristen does or doesn't do to her appearance, she will always be a fuck lot hotter than you!
The fact that anyone could hate on Kristen is beyond me but obviously not everyone likes her, and I do understand that. You don't have to like everyone but that doesn't mean you can be a complete bastard to everyone you don't like. Even Lorraine Kelly voiced her hate towards Kristen. Lorraine is a 50 year old mother, and the fact she feels it is acceptable to make strangling motions against a 19 year old disgusts me. She really needs a reality check and I'm kind of expecting an on-air apology from her.
Peace out Bitches ;)